Has God Given Me What Is Best for Me?

January 6, 2025

What do we do when the way we want to serve or be used by God does not line up with where he has us?  What do we do when what we want is a good thing, but it isn’t what we have been given? What do we do when the portion that God has given us feels like the “light portion” of the menu? 

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A New Way To Think about the Nativity

December 16, 2024

Over the years, I’ve seen Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus trade in their slow donkey to take a ride in the dollhouse family’s convertible across my living room carpet. These scenes offer opportunities to talk about the wonder and majesty of the incarnation…they also provide wonderful opportunities for pro-life conversations.

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Trusting God in the “Unexplained”

December 9, 2024

I do not do well with unexplained things, especially when those things are happening to me…The “unexplained” has threatened to pick away at my sanity and peace bit by heart-sickening bit, and all manner of disillusioning questions and doubts try to fill up the explanation-shaped hole in my understanding.

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