Where do you live and what community group do you attend?
I live in West Chester and attend Andy and Jen Culley’s group.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Long Island, NY until I went to college in Boston, then I got married and lived in North Jersey.
When and how did you start coming to the Covenant Fellowship Church?
I attended a membership meeting at my previous church and knew God had been speaking to me about not joining. My children were going to a Christian school, and we became close to a family who attended Covenant Fellowship Church. They had been traveling 45 minutes to Covenant and invited us to join them one Sunday. We visited in 1993 and my children loved it and didn’t want to go anywhere else! So we came every week even though it was a one hour commute each way.
What ministries do you serve in at CFC?
I maintain and decorate various areas of the church building, including the church offices, the moms’ room, and other areas.
When and how did you come to Christ?
A friend invited me to a Christian Women’s Club luncheon when I was coming out of a hard depression. I was about 34 years old and had just had my fifth child. This same friend who had invited me had be praying for me faithfully for a year and a half. I attended and enjoyed it and was given a tract to take home. That evening I read it fully and gave myself to the Lord. My whole body felt changed in that moment. A couple of years later I realized I had been filled with the Holy Spirit that day.
Do you have an interesting family tradition?
The tradition that we started a few years back is that my whole side of the family (yes, all 19 grandchildren and all their parents!) come together each month for a potluck meal and worship time. We do this one Sunday a month, and it has been so wonderful to gather together and be a support to one another.
Tell us about your family.
I’ve been a single mom for about 30 years and I have 5 children: My oldest, Chuck, is married to Tara and they have two girls. Kim and her husband Brian have five boys, the oldest has been married for 2 years. Jen is married to Andy and they have two daughters and two sons. Mike and his wife Tamara have three boys and two daughters, and my youngest Kate is married to Adam and they have two daughters and one son. Yes, if counted correctly I am blessed to have 19 grandchildren! I prayed for many grandchildren but never thought God would bless me so much. Four of my children and their families attend church at Covenant, and my oldest son attends a church where he lives.
Describe your job.
I retired from working as a receptionist at Covenant Fellowship Church about 3 years ago. Now I’m a full time grandmother. I love every minute of it!
What is one thing you love to do?
Next to Jesus, my children and my grandchildren are my greatest gifts. I love being with my grandchildren and helping them out in any way I can. Sometimes it means being a listening ear; other times it can be taking them out or letting the parents go out. This is truly what I love to do.
What are you currently studying and learning in your devotional times?
At this point in my life, I listen to a Bible app. It’s the YouVersion walk through the bible. I’ve been taking notes while listening. I was never one to learn through this type of listening, but I’m finding refreshment and educating myself biblically.
If you could talk to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give her?
Pray your heart out and even when you think you have prayed enough, pray some more. Remember that God is not just your saviour, but he is your dad, your husband, your brother and your best friend. Talk to him all day.
Can you list 5 favorites in 5 words?
Chuck, Kim, Jen, Mike, Kate–and their families!
What is your favorite verse or passage of scripture, and why?
It definitely changes through the seasons of life. So many have sustained me, but I am always getting comfort from these two: 2 Chronicles 20:12 where Jehoshaphat says, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” Another would be 3 John 4:1, “I have no greater joy than to see that my children are walking in the truth.” These two verses have taken me through many hard times: 2 Chronicles helping me set my eyes and heart where they are supposed to be, and 3 John reminding me that God would answer this prayer and give me greater hope for my children in dark times.
What is one situation you have faced or are facing? Share how God moved, or is moving, in the midst of this experience.
Some of my children and grandchildren are facing some real challenges and hardships in this time in their lives. I’ve held onto God for many years with my own challenges, and I believe He has given grace to allow me to be a support to them in all the trails they are currently facing. God has sustained me, and I know by faith that God will sustain them.