Getting to know Dawn Maguire

July 26, 2021

Dawn first came to Covenant Fellowship in 2007, and since then she’s become an administrative powerhouse in the church office who helps to keep the whole church and all its events running smoothly. She lives in West Chester, where she attends the Fuselli/Mahalik community group. Read on to get to know her better!

Dawn, we know you work at the church in administration—what are some ministries at Covenant that you’re also involved in?
I serve with the Bridge Course, and I would love to serve in the nursing home ministry but time has not allowed. I pray for it. I have recently been led to the pro-life ministry too. The idea of serving in some of these ministries makes me uncomfortable or fearful, but God has put a sense of urgency on my heart about them. That is definitely God at work. The unborn and voiceless, the elderly and the lost. I am asking God to use me in any way.

What’s your morning routine? 
Coffee! Then prayer. Usually in that order, but sometimes I pray while making coffee. I have an old 70’s corningware percolator I like to use since I have been working from home these last few months. It brings me joy to hear it, and so does the fact that I have time to wait for it! 

Tell us a bit about your family.
I am a mother to three sweet girls, ages 25, 15, and 12. My husband is the funniest person I love, and we are grandparents to Roman and Caprice. They are super cute. 

Do you have any interesting traditions with your family?
Not really. I always try to make something a “tradition” though, because I never had them growing up, but no one cooperates. They just tease me about how I do that. 

What do you love to do? What’s on your bucket list?
Be outside, go to the beach, feed people, walk, and sleep in. I will never be an early riser. I also want to go on an Alaskan cruise, but alone. That is weird though, so I will probably never do it. 

Is there anything about you that people might not know?
I’m half-Korean and so I love everything super spicy. If you think it’s hot, it’s not.

Tell us about a book from the CFC bookshop that has helped you in some way.
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp and anything by Marty Machowski because parenting is hard work and I need help. Tedd Tripp’s book helped guide my prayers for my children and myself during a particular season. There are application questions at the end of each chapter that helped me. I remember the book made me think about the importance of my example every day. Another meditation book that I love is Taste and See: Savoring the Supremacy of God in All of Life by John Piper. 

Somewhat similarly, what are you studying and learning in your devotional times right now?
For devotional time I mostly only study the Bible and enjoy lengthy prayer times. I have also been meditating on the Psalms with a Tim Keller book titled The Songs of Jesus. It’s a daily devotional. Jesus knew all 150 Psalms intimately, which encouraged me to meditate on them. The Psalms help us to see God as he is. 

I am also in a group with some ladies I work with and we are reading through and discussing the book Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. I am learning and praying for the spiritual discipline of Study.  

If you could talk to a younger version of yourself, what would you say to her?
It is never too late. No length of time or thing you have done is so bad that it is beyond the infinite stretch of God’s mercy. Also, you can always talk to your parents about stuff—they love you. 

What is something you have learned in your marriage? 
Loving in all situations, disagreements, and trials is always the best. It never fails when I love my husband first before myself—it just feels right, and it serves my husband and my children. Most importantly it glorifies God. I don’t always love first like I should, but when I do, it’s always better. 

One last question: can you share your favorite verse or passage of Scripture? 
John 15:5–because I know that apart from Christ I can do nothing. It just took me so long to see that truth. Really, I love that whole chapter. I see now that God is always pruning me. He cuts away the branches that bear no fruit. I see this in unanswered prayers, and it also makes me see that God was always there all along, pursuing me. The Scripture makes me think, “Wow, a holy and mighty God was pruning me and caring for me even when I resisted and ran away.” It also makes me think of my sin: when I repent or bring them to God, the dead branches are cleared off. This passage makes me yearn to bear fruit and pursue God, like He did me. I want to be a firmly planted, fruit-bearing, beautiful follower of Christ.


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