I had become a believer in Christ and was church shopping back in 1998/1999. While visiting my mom in Rockville, MD one weekend, she recommended a church that her friend’s daughter was attending. It was called Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, MD, and she thought I’d like it. I decided to visit.
The girl my mom had mentioned met me at the door and I’ll never forget the sense of excitement and enthusiasm I felt as I walked in and saw the auditorium of people ready to praise God. I was blown away by the joy of the Lord I experienced in that church through the worship, gospel-centered preaching, and the people I met. I couldn’t wait to visit again!
I would attend every time I was visiting at my mom’s house, and one Sunday someone I met there gave me a list of PDI churches. (That was the previous name of Sovereign Grace Churches.) The closest one to where I was currently living was in Newtown Square at that time, so I decided to visit. Its name was Covenant Fellowship Church, and I really enjoyed the Spirit-filled worship and teaching, as well as the kind people I would meet each time.
God had been impressing on my heart that I needed to join a local church. I saw in Scripture that the church was God’s idea all along, and I wanted to align myself with that. So when the Covenant Fellowship’s new building in Glen Mills opened in 1999, I came to the grand opening and have not left since.
Covenant has been a wonderful church home, and God has blessed me here in many ways. I’m thankful to Him for all that I’ve learned. I’m grateful for the rich biblical preaching, the Spirit-led worship, and the wonderful people He’s surrounded me with. I also love that I’ve been able to not just receive, but to serve in numerous ministries like Backstage Players, children’s ministry, nursing home ministry, choir, the Covfel Chorale, hospitality, Global Initiatives,and the Bridge course.
I encourage anyone who’s on the sidelines of church to consider exploring membership by taking the Explore class and deciding if God is calling you to become a member here at Covenant Fellowship.