It is a joy for me to share with you about a ministry I have loved to participate in since 2014.
The women’s ministry at CFC provides semi-annual breakfast meetings where more than 200 ladies get to enjoy lovely morning gatherings together, being refreshed by fellowship over a meal while also receiving spiritual nourishment.
Coordinating food and hospitality for the ladies’ breakfast meetings has turned out to be one of the best parts of serving in the women’s ministry team for me. Hospitality on a larger scale was not foreign to me, since I grew up watching and helping my mother make meals for hundreds at my childhood church’s youth or adult retreats. My mother’s quiet way of serving the Lord through hospitality with love and enthusiasm greatly inspired me during my teenage years, and the memory of it still inspires me today.
At CFC’s women’s breakfasts, I really enjoy working alongside ladies from different age groups throughout the whole process, from planning to shopping to food prep to the day-of tasks like cooking, serving, and cleaning up. We have older women and young moms who prepare food and set up tables the day before the breakfast, women of all ages who come in early to prep food and set everything out on the day of, and college students and youth who gather leftovers and wash dishes afterward, to name a few. An especially lovely aspect is when I get to see mothers and daughters serving together in these capacities.
There are many opportunities for sweet fellowship while we work together. We often are able to find moments to share our struggles and pray for each other. I’ve made and grown so many friendships from these activities throughout the years. One of my favorite things is to see ladies returning to serve every six months and knowing the drill without needing any instructions. Our reward is always to see many ladies being blessed by the effort we put in to make the breakfast meeting enjoyable.
There are many ways to get involved, beyond cooking: you might enjoy helping out with shopping for supplies, or preparing drinks, or even just washing dishes at the end of the morning—there’s all of that and more!
Eric Liddell once said that when he ran, he felt God’s pleasure. Likewise, when I serve in this capacity, I feel God’s pleasure. If you find yourself having the same passion, this task force team might be a great place for you to serve too.