My Portion Forever: A Perspective From My 80s

September 19, 2022

“Whom have I in heaven but You? And Earth has nothing I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:25-26).

This verse covers so well my 84-year-old perspective these days, which I am sure was NOT my perspective in my younger years!! But that perspective has grown more solid and true in these twilight years of my life. 

God always speaks in his inspired scriptures so much more beautifully and completely than we ever could say in our human words. The book of Psalms has especially been a healing balm in my life as I walked through many deep and dark valleys with him, but also in the joys of my mountaintop experiences of him showing up everywhere I went, during the highs and the lows! His right omnipotent hand has always held me tight, pulled me out of despair, and brought me back into the light and back on the “straight and narrow road” (Matthew 7:14). He will do the same for you, so love and trust him with all your heart! He “will never leave or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6–8). And his love for you is beyond measure!

Studying the Scriptures every day, I have realized that this amazing book has every answer to every situation I would ever encounter in my life. God’s promises are always true, so always search for them and claim them. If he promises you something, he will deliver! He has also answered every prayer in my life with “yes,” “no,” or “wait”—always for my good, and always in his timing.

When things get really tough, remember always that you are a vessel being shaped by the “Greatest Potter” of all. He is busy chipping away the unholy areas of your life, smoothing and shining you up like gold and silver. If the chipping away hurts, he lovingly touches and heals and makes you whole. His forgiveness and timing and restorations are ongoing and won’t be completed till he perfects you for his eternal and Holy Kingdom. This was so beautifully sung in the hymn that says, “He has said he will deliver safely to the Golden Shore.” Knowing that, I take much peace in whatever lies ahead for me these days! He has “never left or forsaken me” in all these past years, so I know he will get me safely to my REAL home!

I now love being described in the Bible as the “older woman” and feel blessed to have a few “daughters in the Lord,” whom I have loved dearly and shared life with for many years. We have seen God do many miracles as we have believed and prayed together. 

I am counting it all joy as I finish the race set before me! I am very grateful to God for all the seasons of my life and especially for Covenant Fellowship Church, our dear pastors and their wives, all my Covenant friends, and the Bittner Community Group. I also would like to thank so many younger and single women who have inspired me so many times with their love and their lives. You all have made my last 30-some years so rich and so full!

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