Dear Older Women of our Church,
Studies show that older women feel invisible. They no longer display the celebrated beauty of youth, the magical gift of fertility, or the fresh face of potential. Though they fight to believe God’s truth about aging, the culture sure doesn’t make it easy.
But older ladies, you are not invisible to us. You are not irrelevant. Don’t think for a minute that your work is done around here. We honor you and we need you.
May 18, 2020
Recently I turned the big 4-0! And I have to confess that I feel pretty excited about it. As I have reflected on this, I realized that I have sound biblical reasoning for this general good cheer that I feel about growing older.
March 2, 2020
For most of my life, during most of my waking hours, my time has been consumed by the activities and needs of the moment: those things that were determined for me merely by my stage of life.
When I was a student, I went to school and participated in school-related activities. As a new wife, I worked both in and outside the home and invested myself in helping to build a solid foundation in our marriage. Then came parenthood and years of caring for little ones, balancing the various roles and challenges that life as a family necessitated.
January 6, 2020