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devotional series


The Power of Meditating on God’s Word (Devotional Times Series)

In 2020 when the world shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I faced my first season of trial and wilderness in my Christian walk. I had been saved for two years at that point and was flourishing in all areas of my life, especially in my faith. Since I live alone, during the required quarantine period I was isolated from everyone, but most importantly, I was isolated from community and fellowship.

September 12, 2022

Devotional Tips for the Easily Distracted Christian (Devotional Times Series)

The song “We Don’t Talk about Bruno” from the new Disney movie Encanto has hit the charts as one of the most played songs on music media, and let’s admit it, in our own homes too. Sometimes when I am asked about my devotional times, the initial response in my mind is, “We don’t talk about my devotional time…no, no, no.” 

August 29, 2022

Using Cross-Reference to Study Your Bible (Devotional Times Series)

One of the first tools I remember using and still use to study the Bible is the cross-reference, sometimes called the chain reference. These are the tiny little letters  that you see in the verses you are reading (this is where a magnifying glass can come in handy) that lead you to a key either in the center or the outside margin of your Bible.

August 22, 2022

Why I Prioritize my Times with the Lord (Devotional Times Series)

I had become a single mother, and one year after having my son, I lost my own mother who was my everything. She left a great void, and I was devastated. Here I was, a single mom left to raise a child alone, and I had no clue what to do without my mother. I cried out in desperation, “Lord I need you!”…

August 15, 2022