“I see now, Lord,” my journal entry reads, “that you are telling me no to yet another boy I dreamed might be my future husband. I do not yet understand this decision, but I pray that you give me clarity and help me to be content in a friendship. Lord, you alone know what is best for me. Help me be content in that. Lord, I beg you, please grow my contentment in you alone.”…
August 2, 2021Sam Allberry has authored a spectacular book, addressing seven assumptions about singleness that are simply untrue. In turn, he illuminates a biblical picture of singleness, all the while pointing to the goodness of God.
Allberry points to Jesus first, as proof that marriage, romantic fulfillment, and sexual experience are not intrinsic to being a full human being. He presents God’s counter-cultural truth, highlighting wrong thinking I didn’t even realize had crept into my mind. I wish that all people, single and married, would read this book!
February 3, 2020