Why Study Together–and What’s in Store for the Coming Year?

August 5, 2024

If you pop into the church on a Tuesday morning or Monday night, you might run into an older woman laughing with a young mom; a college student setting out coffee; or a new Bridge Course graduate chatting with a long-time church member. You’ll notice them carrying Bibles and filing into rooms where they gather in small groups to open God’s Word. Here at Covenant Fellowship Church, we call our women’s Bible study ministry “Study Together,” and that’s because both ideas are essential.


First, we want to be women who study God’s Word. It’s not enough to know some random verses or general ideas in the Bible. No, we need to fully understand these living, active words that give light and life to all who read them. We want to encounter God himself in the pages and be radically transformed by what he tells us so that, like the prophet Jeremiah, we can declare, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts” (Jeremiah 15:16). These words, more than any others, are worth eating and absorbing through study!


Second, we want to study together. This is where introverts like me may lift an eyebrow. I’m actually pretty good at studying alone—there are fewer distractions, and I get to stay in my comfy chair, so why should I make the effort to gather with others to do what I could do by myself? This is a real question for me.

The answer is the rich layer of insight that comes from hearing others grapple with Scripture. In the last session, I watched a new believer grasp the overarching theme of the Bible for the first time, an older saint apply the Word to her painful experience with Alzheimer’s, and a young woman decide to read less fiction and more Bible. One woman looked words up in the dictionary all the time and brought clarity to our discussions. One brought quotes from her commentary. One did parts of the study as she nursed her baby in the middle of the night. All brought questions, life experience, encouragement, and open hearts, and all were changed. I was reminded, as I often need to be, that God values humans more than productivity, and it is so often among his people that he teaches me his ways.

What’s in Store for the Coming Year?

What does it mean to live in union with Christ? Where can we find the deep joy we long for? How do we live truly fruitful lives? Our fall study of Ephesians will address these and many other questions that directly affect our days and hours, and we’ll help each other understand and apply these God-breathed words.

Later, in our winter/spring session, we’ll dive into the book of Genesis for a longer session. This foundational first book of the Bible establishes key patterns and themes that will expand our understanding of the whole Bible. We might consider this session an investment into all our future Bible study.

Common Questions

You can find more information and register for our fall Study Together here, but below are some quick answers to common questions.

Is there childcare?
Yes, at our Tuesday morning groups. Our Monday evening and Saturday morning groups do not offer childcare.

What if I don’t know anyone?
That’s the case for lots of people. You’ll be amazed how quickly the “strangers” in your group become friends!

Will I be with women my own age?
We purposefully mix ages in our study groups and find that almost everyone loves it. There will certainly be some women your age, but this is a great way to enjoy the wisdom of various generations.

What if I don’t know much about the Bible at all?
Then there’s no better place for you to be! Give us a heads-up that this is new for you, and we’ll be sure you get help along the way.

Do I need to be a member of Covenant Fellowship Church?
Nope, we’d love to have you join us!

Will there be too much homework?
The weekly assignments are very doable. Participants often find that the homework helps them prioritize God’s Word in their schedules. If you do find the homework too challenging, we are happy to come alongside you and help.  We all come as learners, not experts.

You are warmly welcomed to join us as we Study Together!

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