Hello ladies! We are so glad that you are here and reading the posts. We hope you find them to be encouraging and helpful in your walk with the Lord.
Thank you to all who helped make our last women’s breakfast such a success! We had a wonderful time helping each other overcome the lies we believe with the truths of scripture. We took this group shot at the end, and although a few of you had to leave early, we love how it turned out. If you missed it, join us next time as we have breakfasts twice a year, in the spring and fall months.
This coming fall on September 27-28, we have the pleasure of hosting a two-day women’s conference called the Women’s Training Network. An initiative of the Gospel Coalition, their purpose is to train women to use the Scriptures well. This will take the place of the fall Women’s breakfast. If you have interest, sign up at this link: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/event/wtn-philadelphia/
Be on the lookout for our next official breakfast in late winter!