What a wonderful time we shared a little over a week ago at our women’s breakfast. Besides Jared’s encouraging teaching from his book, A Bright Tomorrow, we heard testimonies from three women about how God met them in the isolation, busyness, and trials of the past year. So many of you have commented on these testimonies that we decided to post there here on the blog over the next three weeks.
We also announced several upcoming women’s events for you to mark on your calendars. Here they are again in case you missed them. We hope you can join us for some if not all of them!
Summer Book Club: Saturday Morning, August 7 on the church lawn.
All you need to do is buy and read the book (A)Typical Woman by Abigail Dobbs, grab a lawn chair, and join us for discussion. It’s easy! We’ll send you an email soon with links to buy the book, access discussion questions, and register for the event.
Fall Women’s Breakfast Seminars: Saturday morning, October 9 at CFC.
Instead of our typical women’s breakfast format, we’ll be offering various seminars on topics that apply to different groups of women. You’ll hear more details about this in the fall.
Spring Women’s Retreat: Friday and Saturday, April 8-9, 2022 at CFC
Join us as we take time to examine the topic of friendship from a biblical perspective, including lots of practical application. We always make great memories at these retreats, so plan to attend if you can!
“Study Together” Women’s Bible Study Groups:
Offered in Fall, Winter, and Spring, these groups meet Monday evenings, Tuesday mornings, and occasionally other timeslots. They provide an excellent opportunity to get to know new ladies, studying the Bible and other Christian books together. Fall registration will open in late July.
We can’t wait to enjoy these events together!