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Book Recommendation: 7 Myths About Singleness by Sam Allberry

Sam Allberry has authored a spectacular book, addressing seven assumptions about singleness that are simply untrue. In turn, he illuminates a biblical picture of singleness, all the while pointing to the goodness of God.  

Allberry points to Jesus first, as proof that marriage, romantic fulfillment, and sexual experience are not intrinsic to being a full human being. He presents God’s counter-cultural truth, highlighting wrong thinking I didn’t even realize had crept into my mind. I wish that all people, single and married, would read this book!

February 3, 2020
Articles, Resources

Book Recommendation: The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield

Have you ever been blown away by a vision of what could be, challenged and inspired in a way that could upend your whole life? This book did that for me.

The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield casts a vision for radically ordinary hospitality.  “Oh no!” you might be thinking. “Not another book about hospitality! My house isn’t up to snuff. I don’t have room. I can’t cook to save my life.”

July 1, 2019

Book Recommendation by Meghan Mellinger

Last February I had the chance to join Jared on a trip he was taking to Texas, which afforded me some uninterrupted reading time. I was able to read two books in the span of four days…something that never happens in the course of my “normal” life! One of the books I read was called Made for More: An Invitation to Live in God’s Image by Hannah Anderson. I found it to be a thought-provoking…

March 11, 2019

Reading Books: A Splash of Cold Water

When was the last time you were splashed with cold water? It can be jolting (your 8-year-old rigs the kitchen faucet to spray you) or refreshing (you walk by a sprinkler on a scorching day.) In either situation, you’re suddenly awake! My life lulls me to sleep. It’s not that it’s always relaxing; on the contrary, I have my share of action, crisis, and general mayhem. But sometimes the plodding nature of it rocks my…

February 11, 2019