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“Busy, But Good”

Do you ever ask yourself, “Why am I not getting more done when I feel so busy?” I find myself pondering this question in many aspects of life: in parenting, in friendships, in marriage, in my home, or wherever I am.

October 7, 2019

Living Life Upside-Down (Part Two) 

Last time, we talked about how opposite Jesus’ values are from the values of our own day and age. He absolutely turns our hierarchy of priorities upside-down. If you missed us yesterday, click here to read Part One, then jump back in for the following three practical applications.

August 20, 2019

Living Life Upside-Down (Part One) 

Everybody, from the starry-eyed graduate to the seasoned business owner, wants to climb the “ladder of success.” After all, it’s the American dream. We step onto that shaky bottom rung with meager influence and income, and through hard work and determination, clamber up each rung until we reach the top.

August 19, 2019


“And Jesus stopped…” (Mark 10:49)

He was on His way to be crucified. He had just spent many hours answering question after question from those wanting direction: a rich man inquiring about what he must do to inherit eternal life; two of His disciples asking for the promise to sit on either side of Him in glory; countless other pleas for healing, help, and just a few minutes of His time.

July 22, 2019