What a wonderful time we shared a little over a week ago at our women’s breakfast. Besides Jared’s encouraging teaching from his book, A Bright Tomorrow, we heard testimonies from three women about how God met them in the isolation, busyness, and trials of the past year. So many of you have commented on these testimonies that we decided to post there here on the blog over the next three weeks. We also announced several…
May 17, 2021As a little girl, I loved to survey the objects which populated the top of my mother’s dresser. I would dig through the crystal candy dish which contained a tangle of necklaces, earrings, and pins. Next, my attention would be drawn to the bottles of perfume standing nearby.
April 12, 2021I originally signed up for the Study Together women’s Bible study because I was looking for a chance to spend more focused time in God’s Word. I also wanted to get to know other ladies in the church and enjoy meaningful fellowship with them. (It was also a bonus that they offered affordable childcare and coffee!) I enjoyed the first study so much that I continued signing up session after session.
February 8, 2021“We live in a moral wasteland where human beings are desperately seeking answers to hard questions about life and sexuality. But there is hope. In the wasteland, we can cultivate a garden. We can discover a reality-based morality that expresses a positive, life-affirming view of the human person—one that is more inspiring, more appealing, and more liberating than the secular worldview.” In Love Thy Body, Nancy Pearcey does a superb job illuminating the falsehoods foundational…
April 6, 2020Sam Allberry has authored a spectacular book, addressing seven assumptions about singleness that are simply untrue. In turn, he illuminates a biblical picture of singleness, all the while pointing to the goodness of God.
Allberry points to Jesus first, as proof that marriage, romantic fulfillment, and sexual experience are not intrinsic to being a full human being. He presents God’s counter-cultural truth, highlighting wrong thinking I didn’t even realize had crept into my mind. I wish that all people, single and married, would read this book!
February 3, 2020