I don’t like asking for help. That applies to many different areas of my life, but recently God has been showing me that I’m slow to ask others to pray for me. When an extreme crisis hits, it’s easier to ask for prayer, although even then, it’s not the first thing I think of. But when I’m just having a really tough day as a mom, when I’m weary and don’t feel like I will…
July 20, 2020I sit with a lump in my throat trying to select a package of graduation pictures for my high school senior. I decided weeks ago that most of these pictures were overposed and overpriced. Now, however, I look at these cap and gown pictures realizing that they may be the only graduation pictures of my son. Senior year is ending like a dystopian novel. Spreading virus. Illness and death. Social distancing. Canceled everything….perhaps including graduation.…
June 8, 2020Dear Younger Women of our Church,
This world is not kind to you. It calls your Christianity narrow-minded, your biblical obedience brain-washed, and your church commitment old-fashioned. You are supposed to be gorgeous, accomplished, and successful all the time–not to mention present and mindful. By following Jesus, you swim against a swift and strong current, and we applaud you. You are doing a great job!
May 25, 2020Dear Older Women of our Church,
Studies show that older women feel invisible. They no longer display the celebrated beauty of youth, the magical gift of fertility, or the fresh face of potential. Though they fight to believe God’s truth about aging, the culture sure doesn’t make it easy.
But older ladies, you are not invisible to us. You are not irrelevant. Don’t think for a minute that your work is done around here. We honor you and we need you.
May 18, 2020I’ve been meeting with some younger women recently. Across from each other at Starbucks, lattes in hand, we chat about life, and I find myself sitting up a little straighter and wondering if my gray roots are showing. I’ve been wanting a younger perspective on women’s ministry and a chance to get to know these women better, and you know what? They’re all really great: insightful, thoughtful, and God-glorifying. They want to build the kingdom…
May 11, 2020