Getting to Know Julia Capone

June 15, 2020

Julia and her husband, John, have been attending Covenant Fellowship since their college days and can be found serving in multiple ministries at church. They live in West Chester with their three children and have recently begun to lead a community group.

Julia, tell us about your family and your job.
John and I became friends when we were attending Covenant Fellowship in college; we started dating toward the end of our senior year and we have been married now for almost nine years! We are so blessed to have two daughters, almost seven and four, and a seven-month-old son. They are a bright and energetic crew, and I’m exhausted by 4 p.m. every day.

I am a registered nurse, and I had the privilege of caring for patients in the hospital setting over the past ten years. I am home with my young children right now, but I hope to be able to re-enter the part-time workforce in the coming months with a focus in community health.

That sounds like a lot! What are some things you do to relax?
Spending time in nature or at an art gallery—my soul craves beauty and it’s in these places that I feel most refreshed and energized. I also like camping, coffee, and thrifting.

Do you have anything unique you do as a family?
At birthday celebrations, we always sing the second verse to the “Happy Birthday” song: “May the Good Lord Bless You.”

Tell us a bit about your testimony.
My parents shared the gospel with me, and I accepted the Lord into my heart as a young child. There were some pivotal moments in my childhood and teen years where I confessed sin and made steps of obedience, repenting from anger and following the Lord in baptism. I love to share my salvation story because it builds my faith to pray for and share the gospel with my children. The Lord does bring kids to real life-changing salvation!

Is there any resource in particular that helps you pray for your children?
This year, another mom and I formed a “Moms in Prayer” group to pray for the elementary school where our daughters are students. Each week we focus on a different attribute of God’s nature. I have seen my understanding and trust in God grow through these times of prayer. If you have a burden for the salvation of your school-age children, I encourage you to visit and join a group!

You lead a community group, but that’s not all you do. What other ministries do you serve in at CFC? 
I help with The Bridge Course, Second Sunday Gospel Outreach, Medical Response Team, and Children’s Ministry. 

Can you tell us about how you’ve seen God work in one of those ministries?
It’s hard to pick just one to comment on! One thing I love about Bridge is getting to make new friends and walk alongside them as they explore the Christian faith, receive the gift of salvation, and begin to grow as new believers. What a joy to see God meet people where they are at, again and again, and bring them into relationship with himself.

Let’s talk about some Christian books that have been helpful to you. What have you read and how did it help you?
I loved Rosaria Butterfield’s book The Gospel Comes with a Housekey. I was challenged by her call to live in authentic gospel community and practice hospitality. I also loved You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis and Lisa Chan. John and I listened to an audio recording of this, and I was so encouraged to hear the hearts of other believers who are also trying to live out their family life for the glory of God.

Lastly, what is your favorite verse and why?
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12). Season after season, I find myself in this verse, and the Lord has always shown himself to be faithful.

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