This week, registration has opened for our Spring Study Together session. Groups of ladies from Covenant Fellowship gather at the church and in various homes to study God‘s Word together and fellowship with one another. We wanted you to hear a personal story of how God used the ministry in the life of one of our members, and we’ve asked Hilary to share that with you.
My name is Hilary Daugherty, and I live in North Wilmington with my husband, Aaron, and our dog, Bella. We have been members of Covenant Fellowship for almost three years now, and God continues to use this church to change us, grow us, and teach us more about Him.
Last year, Covenant Fellowship’s women’s ministry started a weekly small group Bible study program called Study Together. God in His good grace and perfect timing led me to sign up for the Hebrews study. I showed up the first week excited and expectant but also a little nervous. Covenant is a big church and there are many people I have yet to meet. I only knew one name on the list of ladies in my group, but what a gift that turned out to be! God placed me in a group of ladies diverse in age and life experience, and I was thrilled to see that they also were coming hungry to study God’s Word and learn more about Him. It was such a joy to hear these women, week after week, tell of how God has been faithful in their lives. Each week this group of ladies with diverse thoughts and perspectives loved on each other so well as we sat side by side combing through the Word of God. I got to know ten more faces, and this big church got a little bit smaller.
While meeting new people has been fun, the biggest way God impacted my life through these studies was by personally answering my prayers and revealing Himself to me in caring and surprising ways. Several months before starting the Hebrews study, I had been reading through the Old Testament and had questions about its purpose and relevance. When I started the group study, I learned that Hebrews is literally a book written for the new Jewish Christians telling how the God of old who made a covenant with Abraham is the same God who is still alive and active. He had a plan and purpose all along, and all of those prophecies and shadows have been fulfilled through Jesus Christ, who is trustworthy and worth treasuring above all else. Thank you, Lord! This study of Hebrews spoke right into my questions and I found specific answers in God’s Word.
God has been so good and has stretched and challenged me through these studies. He has grown my desire and excitement for His Word and has taught me so much about Himself and how He loves me. I am so thankful for Him and am excited for what He has in store as we study together in 2019!
Registration for our Spring session is open and you can find more information at: